899 Rapid Bike Evo / Bench Flash Questions

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Paul Jex, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. Hey

    I have an 899 with a Rapid Bike Evo installed (mainly for the autoblipper)

    I found that very occasionally, I get a misfire usually when at low speed accelerating or coming out of a corner or going around the round-about.

    If I reset the Rapid bike's learning features and use the stock/default settings it seems fine. As it learns, it tends to misfire again. The misfire is so intermittent, maybe 2 or 3 times on a 20 to 30 mile ride.

    If I install the bypass module for the Rapid Bike then again it works fine.im fairly confident it's the Rapid Bike playing up.

    Its had new plugs and leads and coil packs just a few hundred miles ago so don't believe it to be a hardware issue.

    Wondered if anyone else had a similar experience?

    I'm debating whether to put on a CJS Racing or P3Tunning parts base flash remap - What are peoples thoughts on posting the ECU away?

    This is all for road riding, so no track use.

    Anyone have experience if a base flash from the above or any other company?
    #1 Paul Jex, Nov 13, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2023
  2. hmm maybe if you can get a screenshot of the autotrim settings?
  3. Thanks for the response @Nathanhu !

    I've uploaded the auto trim setting for you. As you can see, I've recently reset them then rode to Weymouth back at the end of October, about 30 mile round trip. It was cold, so not much full thottle action.

    I've also changed the enlearnment to -1 as I figured, overfueling would be less likley to cause it to misfire and I would hear pops/bangs from the exhaust. I dont beleive I had a misfire on the way back on that trip

    It was on the default settings to-7 and +7 IIRC but I had the issue then as well.

    20231114_104617.jpg 20231114_104631.jpg
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  4. im just trying to get my laptop up and running and ill compare my settings, but I feel that the +10 and -01 is not correct, but let me check
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  5. Also what routing do you have the RB harness and have you also checked the make sure the harness isn't melted from the exhaust manifold.
  6. upload_2023-11-14_16-16-8.png

    this is an old screen grab i have on file,

    i think you should increase the - value to -10 and try the +14 setting i am using.

    also are you accepting the auto adaptive changes correctly?
    i save a copy on my laptop and indicate changed and date, and then accept the trim changes by right clicking over the Map1 or Map2 table, this will also ask you if your happy to reset the trim table.

    once you do this also save a copy and send to the RB unit ( if you don't do this the device is still on the old fuel table)
  7. Thanks for taking the time to reply @Nathanhu

    I haven't checked it recently to be honest. I did have the front end apart earlier in the year to get access to the horizontal spark plug. I have only done about 200 - 300 miles this season due to cutting my thumb badly when modernizing the bathroom. I can do a double check on this though. I remember it was a pig to route, even with cardboard tubes in place.

    Also thanks for sharing your RB settings. I can set them up to match with +14 and -10 to see if that helps. It won't be ridden until the New Year now.

    As for saving the changes. I don't do anything other than let it do its thing. All I've been doing is the "Reset Maps" button > "Apply" to set all the settings back to 0's for both Map1 & Map2. I'll have a fiddle to see if I can do what you're doing with the pointers above.
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  8. once I get my software updated ( I have the master Pro version) ill check but it think we should review the procedure for accepting the trim changes, as you maybe inadvertently resetting the trim table without adding it to the main map.. I think I also did this before I was advised of the right click and accept changes function.

    please do the physical check and ill get my system up and running again as i was away form home for a few months and its outdated itself...
  9. Thanks for taking the time to do this, it's gratefully received. I'll pull the fairings off (any excuse to tinker with the bike for a while) and check the cables.

    It is entirely possible I'm not accepting the changes. I did notice your print screens are from the older version
  10. Ah! I see what you mean about the Auto Trim settings. Its really not clear but when you Right Click on the Map1 & Map2 tabs, there's an Add Corrections pop up - I've now done this but it'll have to wait until next year to check it :(

    As you can see, Ive changed the settings to match yours.

    I'll do the cable check later in the week or tomorrow.


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  11. i also found out the hard way as i ended up driving to a Semi local Rapid bike dealer, who took me through the software and adding the trim table changes.
    make saves and also send the new saved file to the RB unit otherwise it will be just on the saved file and not active.
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  12. Thank you for sharing. That's really useful to know. I am backing up the RB settings from time to time but was not applying them as I figured that was automated in the background. I'll definitely apply these from now on. Appreciate your advice.

    Yet to check the cables as the wifes C4 decided to break down today and spent 3-4 hours waiting to be towed home :/ Another job for another day.
  13. If you are sure your O2 sensors are working correctly you can try +10 / -10 settings initially - I wouldn’t recommend going too high there’s potential for issues if an O2 sensor fails.

    Take the bike on a run - ideally using as much of the rev range in each gear as possible. It’s not ideal for the Rapidbike’s learning process to go on a sedate autumn ride as it doesn’t give it much data to go on.

    Then apply the changes for each cylinder - save the map and upload the map to the bike.

    Then take the bike on another run. Repeat process.

    And again.

    By around the 3rd time you should see less and less adjustment to the mapping.

    Initially you might see changes of the maximum value of 10 in quite a few of the boxes - these figures should reduce as you get closer to the optimum after each time you apply the changes to the map.

    Then you are supposed to reduce the values to +3 / -3 or similar to prevent massive changes being made in the event of a failed O2 sensor.

    Remember if you aren’t reaching the higher rev ranges in each gear it won’t be adjusting the mapping for that area - far easier to achieve on track than on the road.

    In the screenshots you have shown you can see it trying to add the maximum enrichment of 10 in 3 of the boxes from 4000 through to 4500rpm at 5% throttle. If you apply the changes and run the bike again then you should see that value drop as you can closer to optimum. Take screenshots before you apply the changes each time so you can compare changes and confirm those big numbers are reducing as they should. You can see from the table that you haven’t revved the bike out through the gears because it’s not making any changes for the higher rev ranges and throttle percentage.

    I would expect to see much greater adjustments being made on the first run with it reducing each time you apply the changes.

    If you aren’t 100% certain on how to apply, save, send changes as Nathan advises then I would be happy to do a quick video call to talk you through it as it’s far from intuitive.
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  14. Thank you very much @LiveFast...... That's super useful information and makes total sense. Ill drop those enrichment and enleanment values down a little for the first time and then take it for a ride in spring. Once I've done give it a ride through the rev range, I'll apply them and drop the settings down a little to 3 or 4 as you suggest.

    I don't know if my O2 sensors are working correctly, but at the same time, other than the occasional misfire, I don't notice anything that would indicate they're faulty. I do have the MelcoDiag diag and it shows no faults.

    I now know how to add the corrections so I need to try and work out how to save the settings and send them to the send the changes. I will see if I can work it out now that I know that's what I'm supposed to do. Ive been in the computer industry for 30 years so I'd like to think I can work it out.

    The last ride I did was about a 40 mile round trip but it was very chilly and I didn't really get the revs up high as it was too cold and potentially slippery, so I didn't rev it too much, hence the upper values were all zero. Plus I'm a bit of an old timer and try to ride safely as best I can.

    I do appreciate the offer of a video call that's very kind of you but I do like to try and work these things out and not to bother others valuable time unless completely necessary.

    I'll report back on how I get on, I'm greateful for the advise from you all.
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  15. Most impressed, no idea what y'all are talking about! Respect, I'm way too old, I set intake balance by ear & a length of garden hose! Works for me
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