What's the trick to getting the little bugger out then? Might be being a spaz here but I'm used to my bikes having an Allen head to screw in/out the pad pins. Not so on the rear of the 848. Obviously only comes out one way and I've got the little e clip thing of the narrow pointy end. Can't seem to push the little sod out though. Any pointers? Cheers
Mine was stuck fast - I had to use a narrow-pointed drift and tap it out. Don't forget to remove the circlip first though! I cleaned it up and re-installed with new pads, but it still took a few taps with a small hammer and drift to get the sod back in there. It is a tight fit, which is reassuring once you've got the sod back in there!
Same here. Little c clip off then had to use a punch pin and hammer to knock it out.... used a little copper slip on it when I put it back in, that was fun to!
Small pin hammer was the order of the day in the end. Had to take my gloves off to get that little clip back on though.