1200 DVT Rear Calliper Relocation

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Cog Head, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Morning.

    Has anyone ever seen or heard of a top mount rear calliper kit for the multy?
    I’m sure I’ve seen it before, but I can’y find it anywhere.
  2. I have not seen anything, but I switched the caliper on my Z650 from top mount to bottom mount, so it can be done. You will need a mirror image caliper of course.

    The biggest 'issue' is having something to fix the torque arm to, to stop the caliper rotating. My Z650 is a special anyway, so I had the swingarm torque arm lug taken off and re welded underneath. In my case it was necessary to get shock clearance but its not something I see any advantage to doing ordinarily ?
  3. It is not simple. Ducati has a single-side swingarm, the aluminum plate that supports the caliper does rotate with the eccentric hub.

    May I ask why you need it on the top? Is it for bleeding?
  4. Main reason for wanting it mounted up top is to stop it getting covered in crud all the time.
    I think the standard calliper could be used if the calliper mounting part bracket was moved to the other side for ABS sensor and torque lug.
    I might have a work with a few people who have CNC machines.
    I think I feel a 3D printer coming on
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