Rear Hugger - check yours now

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by John W, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. During a pre trip inspection, I decided to do something about my rear hugger which has been wobbling for a couple of months. It is the large one and has been flapping a bit, not a major problem but looked like it was loose on the right hand side.
    All bolts were tight, so I assumed the bolt head was wearing the hugger. Wrong !
    What has actually happened, is the hugger has worn a recess around the bolt into the swinging arm ! :rolleyes:

    I have now fitted the smaller hugger, and put a soft plastic washer between it and the swinging arm to take up play and also stop any further wear.

    So guys, just be warned, and if it looks loose do a quich check before it gets too bad.
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  2. That little bolt on the right side of the rear hugger has given me a bit of trouble too. The bolt has repeatedly come loose, allowing the guard to rattle, and I didn't want to overtighten it and strip the thread. Careful cleaning and application of Loctite screwlock seems to have cured it - for now.
  3. The right hand hugger bolt on mine came out on the ride home from the dealers after picking the bike up brand new!

    It had fallen down behind the exhaust heat shield.

    Refitted and still in place 600 miles on.....I do keep checking it though.
  4. Thread lock on mine to, prefer the bigger hugger for more protection.
  5. I hate using threadlock anywhere the part being retained is plastic because that means I can't use heat to crack the threadlock if I have any problems. PTFE tape or a blob of silicon sealer and it's job done.
  6. Ducati workshop manual specifies 13 types of thread locker!
    Hope you used the correct type!
  7. PHOTOS please John ;-)
  8. I only have three types of Loctite, weak medium and strong. Hope that will be good enough.
  9. I didn't take any Andy. Will do so next time I get chance, won't be this weekend though as I plan to be out on the bike riding tomorrow :cool:
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