1199 Rear Sprocket Change Issue

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by dieonthishill, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Ordered a new rear sprocket from Ducati and went to install it today and am getting some play:


    It’s an OEM part so not sure what would cause this… any thoughts?
  2. My rear non o/e rear sprocket ended up doing this after 15,000 miles. Ended up getting all the cush bungs replaced when new c&s kit was fitted. Sorted the issue.
  3. This is a brand new OEM rear sprocket with Cush drives that are in great shape.
  4. Then it shouldn’t be moving like that. When mine started to move a bit; which I found out as had odd wear in rear teeth. I went to my local Ducati dealers and tried moving rear sprockets on the 11/1299 there. All of them were solid. Holding the sprocket at the quarter to 3 position with both hands I couldn’t rock the sprocket from side to side; as if pivoting on the axle stub.
  5. I called Ducati service today too and they confirmed it should not be doing it. Wasn’t sure what to do since I got the OEM part so I emailed the place I bought it from to get their thoughts and in the meantime I machined a .25mm brass shim washer that sits in the grove of the sprocket. That fixed it!perfectly.
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