1098 Rear Sprocket Identification Help

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by gremlyng, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Just wondering if someone can shine any light on my rear sprocket, is this OEM / Standard or has the previous owner fitted an aftermarket sprocket hanger?

  2. Aftermarket.... sprocket is on a separate carrier, oem is all one piece
  3. Thanks for that, trying work out what brand it is now so that I can get a replacement sprocket for it :-(
  4. The carrier shape and sprocket looks like the Yoyodyne versions from the US but can't say 100%.

  5. Is the obvious answer too obvious ?

    "take it off, it will have it stamped somewhere on there" ?
  6. Mine has no markings at all but takes a renthal sprocket. No idea if it is genuine renthal.
  7. That is a good idea and probably the obvious way forward :-/ I didn't think of there being a logo or stamp on there, and not ever having changed the sprocket before I was in a state of panic over costs therefore not thinking very rashional.

    Does anyone know what size the torque socket is for removing the OEM cover bolts?
  8. OEM cover bolts? Don't know which you mean mate, if you take the big hub nut off the whole sprocket assembly will come off or take the 6 Allen head bolts off holding the sprocket on if you want a gander for manufacturers markings. If you want to take the whole assembly off you will also have to loosen the 2 Allen headed bolts at the back of the swingarm and rotate the hub to slacken the chain off a bit.

    Don't take the 6 nuts off the Cush drives attached to the Ducati part
  9. I have a JT carrier a Renthal and a Talon. Looking at the picture of your bike yours is the same as my Talon
  10. Winner, winner, chicken dinner....:pompus:
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