Rear Wheel Lift/snaking On Braking

Discussion in 'Suspension help' started by giticus, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Total suspension numpty , on heavy braking I am getting the rear end a bit out of sorts snaking/lifting , On the v4s Panigale I see there is an option to add support under braking in the suspension settings or should I be setting the support lower to reduce the amount of lift/snaking?
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  2. Talk to Toprak?
    #2 RickyX, Jul 9, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2022
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  3. What’s your ABS setting on? If it’s on 1 or 2 then the ‘anti lift-up’ feature is disabled and the bike requires the rider to manage rear wheel lift by easing off the front brake. If it’s on level 3 then the ABS will manage/prevent rear wheel lift for you.
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  4. Ah, thank you. Will have a look as tended to leave the abs alone so probably on the standard setting for sport/race, its not bad just trying to make those incremental gains...I am a believer of smooth is fast
  5. I found increasing the engine braking had a huge effect on this. I used to be terrified into corners as the rear was anywhere but in a straight line on the floor but now it’s so much more stable.
    On track that is.
  6. Default ABS setting when in Race mode is 1, default in Sport mode is 2, thus if you’ve never altered it but have selected either Race or Sport mode the anti-lift-up function is disabled.

    Default ABS in Street mode is 3, at which level the anti-lift-up function is enabled.

    Presumably your experiences/experiments are on track days?. You could try altering the ABS level in Race & Sport to 3 and see if that helps.
  7. On my 2018 with the Evo2 software it’s not possible to adjust ABS level when in Race mode, it’s preset to 1.
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  8. You could always use the rear brake.....
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. ..and tweak the engine-braking setting if it's available...
    Snaking, IMO, means that there's a little too much engine braking. I'd have a go with less slamming down the gears, and more front brake (with maybe a little rear brake), then slightly later downshifting.

    Is this with or without a slipper clutch??
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. I had reduced engine braking a while back, I will try adding that back on and see what difference it makes.
  11. I had similar on my 1299 the other weekend. An extra click of rebound damping at the rear solved it as it slows down the weight transfer forwards and keeps the rear on the ground. Also check your front preload, if you're bottoming out at the front it will have no where else to transfer the weight to and will also cause the rear to lift and therefore skip around
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