Rearsets or Rear Sets or Pegs

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. I'll start this off with I love my Mutley and wouldn’t change it for a 2013 model.
    Best bike I've ever had...and I've been a bit of a slut.

    Just fitted some Gilles Rear Sets to try and improve the riders foot position.
    Unfortunately it spaces my feet about 1” (25mm to those under 40) further out (away from the centre of the bike).
    This means I’ve lost an inch of width on the rear brake lever and gear lever, unless I go pigeon toed.

    Does anyone have after market rear brake and gear levers that extend out the levers by around an inch?
    I’ve a DP after market gear selector that makes the situation tolerable, but far from perfect.

    I await the collective wisdom of the group (and will probably attract some attempts at humor as well).
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  2. Thanks Duke63, these levers are smaller than the DP and at best the same size as standard.
    Any one else with any other ideas or am I going to have to learn to walk funny?
  3. clownshoesred.jpg


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  4. Had the Gilles pegs for a couple of years now. The shifter I'm fine with, but to get on the brake requires a Doohan-esque leg twist. Slightly disappointing that the CNC levers are no bigger, but the adjustability will still be useful.
  5. Its an age old problem with rear sets yet manf dont seem to address it. Ridiculous
  6. If you are going to fit special rear-set footrests, presumably you intend to do some really hard cornering - why else would you fit them? The peg ends may be getting pretty close to the tarmac, and you will be tucking your toes in as far as you can, otherwise you will be wearing through boots pretty often. As for the gear lever, you really, really do not want the end of the lever to hit the ground at the apex of a corner. If it does, the sudden gearchange will probably have you off. Better for the gear lever to be well tucked in. And as for the rear brake, who cares so long as it's well out of the way - you won't be using it surely.
  7. Comfort - the Gilles are adjustable so mine are down and forward by about an inch, tipped at an angle and a much bigger contact area (on the ones I have).
  8. Hi Pete,

    I've currently got the pegs higher and further back.
    It's a comfort thing. Not all of us get a nose bleed if we stand up quick.:biggrin:
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