899 Red 899 Now Not Available Until Sept?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by mattmccabebrown, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Popped into my local dealer yesterday and was told that he can't get hold of a red 899 until September. White still have the normal waiting time, but bloody hell o_O
  2. I think if I was after a red 899 I would wait till 2015 to get one. Sounds like Ducati may have under estimated how many 899s they were going to sell, especially the faster Red ones lol.
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  3. Common as muck
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  4. My theory being in two years when the first round of PCP deals come through. Bargain time ;)
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  5. Depends who you know ;)
  6. umm, greasing palms maybe?
  7. Get a grip. I'm from Yorkshire. We're like the jocks but without a sense of generosity ;)
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  8. Hi Matt, good, though unwitting, timing on your part!

    The Dealership in question will have looked at his factory availability on his computer which would have told him September for a red 899.

    Your visit there actually coincided with us asking the factory for an increase in allocation of red 899 which we have been granted. It's a difficult thing to balance, but we try to bring in enough for demand without over-stocking. Of course we also have to realise that while demand is quite seasonal, the factory works all year round.

    Anyway, upshot is that you SHOULD be able to get your hands on an 899 (red easier than white right now), much more quickly than September. Actual answer depends on the individual dealership supply chain.

    Hope this helps.


    ps - Matt, you mention the arrival of PCP deals in 2 years time. You can find that there are already deals available with the 899 at £139 per month and the 1199 at £149 per month. Of course you need to check all the terms and conditions etc etc! Look on Ducatiuk.com.
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  9. Thanks Tim :Angelic:
  10. I think Matt was referring to the resale/px'd 899's that will be on the market in 2-3 years :)
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  11. White is the new Red ;)
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  12. I could fancy a white on .
  13. When is the yellow one coming out?
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  14. On the 12th of never :)
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  15. How about black! you know what they say 'once you've had black you never go back!' :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I want there to be a gloss black like the 999, looks lovely, fed up of all this matt paint shit!
  17. Ducati Wolverhampton advertising on their website they have red 899's for sale just over the £12,500 mark.
  18. I know a guy who had his 1199 painted black, it looks great I would probably have bought a black one had it been available.
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  19. Whens purple coming out
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