And you can claim against them if you believe you've been misled by their marketing
I detested Wings anyway Without Lennon, McCartney couldn't rustle up a nursery rhyme ("Mary had a little lamb" being a prime example)
I thought Denny Lane wrote all Wings' songs... I agree about the Beetles stuff too - John Lennon wrote all the good ones. Just look at what "Macca" has written on his own - Mull of Kintyre and the The Frog Song being two good examples of his musical "talent". But John and Denny aren't around to argue anymore so "Macca" carries on claiming the credit...
Back at the OP - I always thought that Red Bull claimed to give you "wiings" - the deliberate miss-spelling presumably to avoid any potential complaints or legal action ?
McCartney had some good songs in the early Beatles days but nothing for the past 30 years - he did the cringe-worthy Ebony and Ivory, and Simply having a " Wonderful Christmas time", after which, if he had any shame. he should have retired - kinda difficult when you're a multi billionaire with no sense of reality
McCartney was the reason that the Lennon-McC writing partnership worked. Plus he did some good work as "Wings". All the time that both were still alive, McC was far superior to Lennon in terms of writing good music. Thread closed.
Agreed Loz, McCartney wrote songs that sounded right even when sometimes the lyrics were nonsense whereas Lenon did the pained introspective stuff.
'Imagine' is a beautiful song. The song writing duo of Lennon & McCartney was greater than the sum of its parts. Hey Jude is a McCartney song. Whilst Paul did little of note since the Beatles and Mull of Kintyre drives me nuts, he still has my utmost admiration as does John. Georges 'Whilst my guitar gently weeps' is also a sublime track and Ringo's 'Octopus's Garden' is a personal favourite of mine. These 4 guys had more talent in their shite than all of us in here put together. I disagree with Loz's comment, only because neither of them were quite as good as separate songwriters than when they were together. Only John did anything approaching something that good. Paul got a bit twee, his songs lack the edginess that Johns contribution to it would have given. Whereas Johns, imagine aside, lacked Pauls wordsmithing a bit. I love The Beatles and was heartbroken as a bairn when they broke up. I sobbed for days. Lol, what a twat.
And I once listened to some music too so Bootsie Hare was a little far from the mark I think... If ever see him in real life I'm going to be really shocked if he isn't a Hare - I really have in my mind he looks like that and will be soooo disappointed :Wideyed:
Sorry mate, I have to disagree with you on that one... Much as I was never really a Beetles fan (the Stones were far more to my liking) they came from an era when people with musical talent worked hard to form bands - which included actually playing instruments - write songs, tour small venues, and hopefully get a record deal. Whilst there are actually people out there still doing that, One Direction and their like are purely manufactured dross, churned out by a marketing organistation and aimed squarely at tweenagers who care far more about what they look like than whether they have any sort of musical talent. X-Factor is nothing more than glorified karaoke - all the songs are sung the same way (two verses, bridge, "truckers' gearchange" key change, big finish) no matter how they were actually written. I hate it and everything it stands for with a passion...