Well redundancy beckons in 4 weeks, now looking for something else to do (I work in the print trade - which is dead). So, any suggestions where to put my hard earned redundancy money?
Into a decent printer and start printing your own cash! Btw - good luck in your serious decisions to be made.
Sorry to hear that. Have you considered work on the oil rigs?? The North Sea is undergoing a resurgence again! Not for all,i know, but good money to be made if you can get in. OilCareers - The quick and easy way to the world's oil and gas jobs Petroleum Open Learning Home Oil & Gas Guide | myOilandGasCareer.com
It depends on what your package is worth? If it was me I'd reduce my outgoings by as much as possible. I'd pay off any credit cards or loans you may have and then what ever you can of the mortgage. It'll give you more scope to find a job that might not pay as much but will give you a better quality of life. My plan is o retire at 55 and get a little part time 'No pressure' job for pocket money, then spend time playing with motorbikes in my spare time ;-)
You could buy a set of gear and print from home if there is a market you can undercut. Buy and sell items on Fleabay - house clearances can be immensely profitable Buy a mobile catering trailer if you can identify a suitable pitch Buy ladders, knock on doors and try to establish a window cleaning round Mobile Car Valeting Landscape gardening Buy a van and offer household removals
I see what you are saying but I'm not really built for a life on the rigs. Mmmm think you could be close with your first idea, stick to what you know and all that
went soletrader 7 years ago, certainly the best move i ever made, i realised that there was a market for my services with all the local businesses, now work less, earn more, have good customers, dont advertise, just word of mouth, if there a market for what you do, go for it, i just ordered a load of ncr pads, headed paper, stickers etc because we recently moved and details changed,all small businesses need that kind of stuff, i kind of thought at the time, i have enough money to get everything i need for the job and pay my bills for 8 months, if i earn nothing, i go back to work, luckily it all went ok
Thats what I also did Steve, I was a development engineer at Ricardo for 32 years and the big R 2 years ago. I was lucky in that I finished on a Friday and started a job on the Monday. But paid my house off and owe nothing. So if it goes tits up again I'm fairly secure with just my arse to sell. (Anyone got change for a fiver) :biggrin:
I was thinking of retiring anyway in 2011, so I set about finding the best way to do it. I persuaded the powers that be that a reorganisation was needed, and that I should be in charge of writing the report analysing problems and proposing solutions. My report recommended several changes including the abolition of my own post in its then form, and I persuaded ministers in both the MOD and the MOJ to accept this. So I was offered six months' salary tax free (on top of the pension and lump sum I was entitled to in any case) to take redundancy. Essentially I made myself redundant, but I call it retirement. I may do a little rebuilding of old motorbikes when I feel like it.
And the wealthy are corrupt... If you fancy a change then advice seems to be do something you enjoy rather than something you have to to pay the bills. Not done it myself, am still firmly PAYE corporate tart, but the world really is full of opportunity for those hat grab it So I'm told
Sometimes it's good to take a break and do a no pressure job. I really enjoyed being a barmaid for a while. I still get stopped around town and get random hugs . I enjoyed the banter. I started not to enjoy it when I was told I would only be getting 2 Saturday nights off that year . Basically I was doing so much bar work I'm the end it took over everything . I was working my day job then grabbing food and an hour later opening up.