1199 Refurbing 1199 Mag Clutch Cover

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Sonic, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. Hi Guys,

    I have a few light scratches on my clutch cover and would like to sort them out.
    Is there a way to re-furb these?

    I've refurbed some alloys once, however I don't think these clutch covers are painted? so I can see them being more complicated.

    Anyone know how these are finished, and how to, if possible, refurb them?

    Many Thanks!
  2. I'd imagine it's part of the casting finish but subscribing anyhow as my boot has worn marks into mine on the S.
  3. You can paint the cover if you had to. Just make sure you etch prime it first and use a decent quality paint such as Dupont DTM or an epoxy primer first then a colour matched top-coat. As long as the damage is not too deep on the casting you'll never know. It's all in the prep work.
  4. Yea I guess painting it is the easier straight forward way to sort this, but really I wanted wanted to take it back to the stock finish, if at all possible.

    It seems they may actually be painted.....I found some posts with people reporting their clutch cover paint issues:
    Clutch cover paint issues - Ducati 1299 Forum
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