Remember I said "and it's goodbye from me"?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by midlifecrisis, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. "Well, after lots of soul-searching and even more changes of mind, I have finally done it. Today was my last ride."

    The above is part of a post written by me earlier this year - but I lied.

    Today I picked up my new Monster 696 20th Anniversary and I'm in love with bikes again. I managed to survive for no more than a couple of weeks after parting with my 848 before I found that I couldn't stand not having a bike in the garage so here is my new arrival.

    Monster 696 20th Anniversary.jpg

    A huge thanks to Ducati Glasgow for persuading me not to sell my kit and to take a test ride on a Monster and for sorting out a great deal in a very short space of time. Also thanks to everyone on this forum who posted advice and suggestions when I announced I was giving up. It's largely down to you that I am back in the saddle and I fully intend taking their advice and getting some training to boost my skills and, more importantly, my confidence.

    I've only ridden the 25 miles home from Glasgow so far but I know already that this little monster suits me far better than the 848 ever did and I strongly suspect it will be a very long term resident in my garage.

    It's great to be back!

    Monster 696 20th Anniversary.jpg
    • Like Like x 15
  2. Really pleased to read this! Have lots of fun, take your time building your confidence and the Ducati smile will be as broad as your visor!
  3. :upyeah:

    Just go at your own pace. Enjoy ALL your rides :smile:
  4. Monster ! You can't beat the thought that, although you might not want to go for a ride, there is a bike in the shed/garage/kitchen/bedroom should you change your mind.....
  5. Brilliant news, I think we all, including you, knew you'd be back! :upyeah:
  6. What Ron said

    Hope it makes you happy
  7. Eh! where have you been then, I never missed you :wink:
  8. Nice one :upyeah: The new bike looks fab
  9. Glad you're back on two wheels :) bike looks lovely
  10. Good to see you're back on two wheels. Not too sure of the story why you thought of giving up motorcycling, but if you want to get your confidence back just join the local IAM group. You don't have to go for the full test but a few lessons will see your confidence rise.

    I did it when I moved up to big Jap bikes (I'm more used to old Brit nails and before I discovered Ducati's) and it's one of the best things I did, saved my skin today as well.
  11. Glad you're feeling happy back on two wheels - the 696 is a great bike for building confidence - low seat height, forgiving engine with enough power without being overwhelming, telepathic handling, and great fun. Do a Bikesafe day and maybe some advanced training - I've had a couple of days with Rapid Training, which I can recommend. Not cheap but good. Or alternatively, as another poster suggested, try a local IAM group.
  12. Great stuff mate, good for you!!!
  13. Fantastic news, welcome back !!!!
  14. A quick up-date....

    I've been out a couple of times now on my new 696 (I was working in London so couldn't use it at all over the week-end) and it is brilliant. There's more than enough power for me, even when keeping it below 6000 rpm 'cos it's running in and the handling feels just right. I can already feel my confidence growing back to where it was a couple of years ago. It's pretty comfortable too, much better for my old back and wrists. I love the brakes as they have a lot more feel than the 'grabby' ones on my 848 but stop just as effectively. All I have to do now is to sign up for a lesson or two and, perhaps join the IAM.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Well done mate that's pretty good.
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