Replacing a car headlight bulb, how hard can it be!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Jesus wept

    First remove the airbox and MAF



    Well thats the easy side done !, as I was not 100% sure if it was the Xenon bulb or a ballast (AKA controller) fault I decided to swap the bulbs left to right to see if the fault swapped sides

    What the? How the? sweet mother of God does the bulb come out?? Red marks are 2 screws which are unaccessable then the flap must be removed so you can then remove/replace the bulb all in a 1mm space.



    Other than bumper removal you have to remove the washer bottle and undo and manipulate the PAS fluid bottle leaving just enough room to gain the smallest access! I didnt take any pics as I was too busy swearing

    2 hours later bulbs swapped and driver side is still dead so turns out its a ballast problem, which is screwed to the bottom of the headlight in a completely inaccessable place which equals a front end off job!!!! :mad:

    I dread to think how much Audi would charge!
  2. I could be hideously wrong here, but I think you just take the headlight out to change bulbs on most vehicles these days? I had the same issue on a Transit at work (I know completely different vehicle entirely but I think this is the way a lot of the manufacturers have gone these days). I swore and cussed at it for a good hour or more before finally giving up and going back to Halfrauds to cough the cash to get them to do it. 1 friggin screw off the front, light popped out and tada, over in about 5 minutes.....
  3. MR c,

    sorry to wind you up further, but is that an A4? If it is all you have to do is filter then in your top pic, the torx bolts above the light, remove them and the whole unit slides out.
  4. Dr Google says otherwise but see
  5. Fucking phone... I was saying Dr Google says otherwise but before I start the big job I will double check.

    You can remove the headlights on the B6 models with the bumper in situ
  6. I feel your pain,I've hands like plates of meat and cannot change mine without lots of FFFFFFF and major blood loss so just go to Halford now and could be worse,you could own a Renault .

  7. You're not a "Fat Handed Twat" are you ?
  8. Just did the headlight bulb on my Doris's Corsa...:mad:
  9. Seen. Look like the bumper that wraps round the light near the grille might get in the way.
  10. On the B7 the bumper has to come off, then the lights are pulled out by removing/ loosening 4 torx screws similar to the B6.

    looking on google the bumper isn't hard to remove.
  11. i cant remember the car off the top of my head, but on Wheeler Dealers Edd China had to remove the front wheels to gain access to the headlight..nice piece of design engineering...
    Seriously, i would have smashed the car to bits....childish i know, but thats how i roll...
    And of course, even if the solution is simply removing the torx bolts and the headlight slots out, you know that there will be a couple of torx bolts that will/will already be rounded off and/or seized in...seized bolts make me instantly aggressive...even more than seized nuts..
  12. No just a twat...:)
  13. No offence meant Stu. :smile:

    It was a joke related to an old comedy sketch show called "Big Train".:wink:

    I sometimes forget that some members are not as old as me !

    Google "Fat Handed Twat" :upyeah:
  14. Halfords refuse some cars such as the Ford Ka because it is not a straight forward job. Access is through the wheel arch I believe, so wheel off first.
  15. ever tryd to give some one a realistic bill for changing a bulb some cars these days. not easy.
  16. do you know what?

    this is something that would stop me dead in my tracks from buying a particular car..there is no way i'd buy one, if it meant ripping half of the front of the car off, or removing engine parts to access the bulb....its totally ridiculous imho..its a consumable item that should take a few minutes to change.

    The same is true of modern cars that do not have a spare wheel/space saver or car jack, but instead have a can of spray gunk...i simply wouldnt buy it. If enough people did this, they'd soon find a way to remedy the situation of these deliberately convoluted designs.
  17. Vorsprung durch technik :upyeah:
  18. cant think what car i had where it failed its mot for a bulb.
    they were going to charge an hours labour to fit it.
  19. vorsprung dork technique.
  20. They could design easy bulb replacement but it's far more profitable to design it nigh on impossible for the average joe thus average Joe pays dealer £400 to swap a bulb
    #20 Mr C, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
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