Reviews that brighten up my sad existence

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Aug 14, 2013.

    • Like Like x 6
  1. funny as feck, had to share this on my FB and another forum.
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  2. i gave a mate some anti fungle foot foam for his itchy gonnads, he didnt read the review.
    i heard the unmistakable sound of spraying.
    i heard the screem.
    i heard him jump fully clothed into the shower.
    he heard me belly laugh for a week.
  3. Hahaha and another

    5.0 out of 5 stars Orgasmic..!!!!, 8 Aug 2013
    See all my reviews

    This review is from: A Whole New World (Audio CD)
    O....M....G....!!! I'll admit, I was sceptical at first, reading all the positive reviews for what I thought, quite frankly, would be a crap album. I WAS WRONG..!!! Not since I first heard Dark Side of the Moon have I experienced such a joyous, cosmic, stimulating experience..!! I fully recommend listening to this album with your headphones at full volume & whilst wearing a blindfold, to block out any possible distractions from the drab outside world. Three tracks in & I couldn't stop the tears streaming from my eyes. Mind you, I'm not sure if this had anything to do with the generous dollop of 'Veet for Men' I had rubbed on my scrotum halfway through track two.
  4. These are brilliant :)

    The Paul Ross box canvas has some frankly genius reviews, I personally like the opener:

    Yesterday I was a bed ridden, drug addled alcoholic with no hope, no future.
    Then I bought this.
    Now I'm a bed ridden, drug addled alcoholic with no hope, no future, but with a 20" Canvas of Paul Ross.
    You just never know what lies around the corner.

    and also:

    I recently purchased this poster, and while it's lifelike, well made and had a certain, portly charm to it, I have since found out that it's actually *cheaper* to hire Paul Ross to come over and stand against a wall, whenever you feel the need to look at him.
  5. Excellent... Funny as feck! Had me laughing out loud in the office!
  6. nice ones.............thanks
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