Ride your bike in heaven?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BIG M, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Of course it's weird. It's in America :rolleyes:
  2. With all the political unrest, war, and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed last week.

    The man who invented the multi-screen cinema sadly passed away.

    His funeral is next Monday at 12.15, then again at 4 o'clock, and finally at 7.40.
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  3. That's bizarre! I can think of nothing worse than my beloved bike rotting away beneath me :frown: I'd like my bike to live on after me!
  4. Some bastard will dig him up and steal it before long, unless, ofcourse, he was buried with his guns as well. :wink:
  5. A Harley would be worth a bit for scrap! :biggrin:
  6. Roll on Stanley. :upyeah:
  7. Top bombing
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