Completely agree but it was such a high profile murder that anything less would have probably caused a masive backlash.
not unless they have no tele and comfort amenities , they should only be able to exist anything else is more than that shit deserve.
I'd like to think there will be a line of incredibly sadistic inmates waiting to administer their own justice and make every second of the 45 years a nightmare just like they have left Lee Rigbys families lives. However I fear that the only injury they will suffer will be RSI due to Playstation use in their own single cells with their own personal prison guards making sure they are protected.
Can I just amend that a tad. Drag those fucks out of their cells tonight kick all manner of merry shit out of em and leave em to die in their own faeces c*nts.
I'm sure they'll never get out of prison one way or another. Unfortunately I expect they will be in solitary for their own safety. Shame the BP and National Front showed up waving placards. Really adds an element of dignity to the whole proceedings when they arrive Nothing like extremists berating extremists.
cases like this ..are very emmotional .but life in our prisons are not really justice ..quite cushy inside having visited plenty in my job ..few decades ago they would have got a kicking often .. but this nanny state has stopped all that ..only hope a lone lifer gets a oppotunity to 'shank' them...
Their religion doesn't allow it. They will have to commit an act of martyrdom in order for it to be acceptable in the eyes of their higher power.
If they spend that time in jail rallying against the world and feeling like martyrs, then tough shit. If in that time they actually realise what a terrible thing they done, that there perceived martyrdom won't get them into their afterlife paradise and they spend their jail time years feeling ashamed and wracked with guilt before they die, then even better and tougher shit.
I believe one of those tossers said while waiting for the police to one of the witnesses "an eye for an eye" therefore they should be taken to a cell n hacked to death as they did to their victim! No sympathy for them from me...hopefully some prisoner will do it to them!
I'm inclined to agree - the fuckers will probably top themselves within a year - I think they should have their forefingers and thumbs removed from both hand - that would make it harder for them to tie the knots or hold the knife firmly enough....