Righto! I'm off to Greece!...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. You lot behave ya selves while I'm gone!... Want me to bring back some ouzo?...:upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
  2. You can go off people you know
    Have a great time
    Stick of rock will be fine :)
  3. [Everyone]
    Uh Well-a well-a well-a huh

    Tell me more, tell me more
  4. carry a flick-baseball bat..
    apparently they love to rob well heeled tourists there at the moment as they have nowt in the bank :eek:
    #4 Phill, Sep 9, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
  5. PI fly out tomorrow morning and will look in the duty free for one... In the meantime I'll practice my 'This Is SPARTA!!!' Lines...
  6. Retsina or Metaxa .......enjoy!!!!
  7. See you there Friday afternoon
  8. What bit are you going to? I'm off to Zante...
  9. I prefer Zakynthos :wink:
  10. Hasin me a cold beer by the pool, then off out later for some nice fresh local cuisine... I've heard it's rainy and cold in the UK? Is this correct?... :upyeah::smile:
  11. Go fuck yourself :mad:

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  12. fresh local cuisine.....

    fish and chips from the brit menu ???
  13. Any chance you can buy me a bit of real estate? Got about thirty quid saved in the kids' money box, so should see me good for a medium sized island or three.

    enjoy your break, and look out for those bloody foreigners!
  14. Righto I'm off to Radihead's to see if the is anything worth nicking in the garage.
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  15. Ok! Im back! What did I miss?... (Apart from El T's admission that's he's a knob?).... :wink::wink:
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  16. :biggrin:
  17. The connecting flight to somewhere else!!!
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  18. Lets turn his squalid gaff over while he's away..

    just thinking..if he's off the forum for a bit we can really slag him off and leave all this shit for him to read when he gets back..

    He's bound to read this thread again...he literally is a vein(y) knob.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Oh yeah 'Zakynthos'..:wink: :wink:

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