On my way to work I drive a road from Frome to the a36. It is being resurfaced, it was in an appalling state. The first thing the workmen did was scrap off the top two inches or so of Tarmac. Unbelievably this improved the road surface significantly as it made the potholes shallower. I'm also truly fed up with the tar and gravel quick fix. It's not a fix, it's a waste of money. They did our village this year and within a week the potholes had emptied of the gravel they filled them with, so we now have potholes and piles of gravel to catch you out now.
In fairness, ever been to America? There roads are just as bad, if not worse! They use tar to fix cracks, so you have slippery tar strips all over the place. But yea, our roads are bloody awful and the amount of bodge jobs just makes it worse. There are many Roads in Reading, that if they had just sorted them properly after the 2008 freeze, they would have not had to fix them every 3 months since.