Road With Live Dunlop Brothers Q&a

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. There are two Westfields, one in Shepherds Bush and one in Stratford, and the both have Vue cinemas. You haven't said which one you have in mind, so a bit vague.
  2. a 'Westfield' near Woking also - had my hopes up there..
  3. The one in London close to A40 Shepherds Bush. Easy to get to in and out.
  4. Superb documentary, touching and for someone who is not fully informed very educational and hard to understand why?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Loved it, showed the reality of the sport, Q&A was good also
  6. Loved it image.jpg
  7. Missed this, surely it will make it to tv soon enough?

    My first race meeting on the Honda 250 gp bike I spent sharing garage with the Dunlop's. Didn't even realize who they were until the end of the second day.

    Fantastic bunch of people, very helpful to the novice (me), and you could easily see their love for the sport. And love for constantly pissing about as well, I remember them being a funny bunch.
    Somewhere I also have the qualifying timing sheet with my name above Michael's :D
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  8. Saw this in mk on Wednesday, fantastic film, although quite difficult to watch in places, especially the footage here you know Robert was just about to loose his life. I've never been to see a film before where the entire audience was 100% silent for the entire film.
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