so i'm persevering at getting this XL Honda to run having tried everything to fathom why it won't spark when starter churned but will when using kickstart and this territorial Robin only lands on the holly tree and starts giving it 'TICK TICK TICK' or 'you're on my patch clear off'. Of course i'm used to this over the years and he/she normally watches me spanner twiddle sometimes even sitting (I said sitting) on the handlebars at times. The 'TICK TICK' stuff doesn't affect me normally but because things aren't going well it's as though it's amplified. A couple of sharp handclaps is normally enough to send him/her scurrying but no, not today so I make a lunge straight for the tree and land hard on my arse getting soaked with rain, oil, mud and many of last year's fermenting cooking apples. Do you think Robins are capable of laughter?.. definitely cup of tea time.