Rochdale Arsonist sets himself on fire...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lightning_650, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. I've never understood twats like this. What is the point?... Maybe he was bearing a grudge...
  2. my faith in humanity has been re-ignited
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  3. Not the brightest spark
  4. He felt a burning desire
  5. If there was any natural justice, he would have kept burning. :wink:
  6. Stuff like this always makes me smile. My current favourite is a couple of AQ guys planting an IED. I won't post a link, but if you search it's the one with a motorbike in front of them on a track. As they're setting the device they obviously see an issue and both leap up to run, straight into each other just before it detonates. Having seen friends injured by IED's it always makes me laugh :wink: Karma's a bitch!
  7. Natural selection at its best
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  8. ears are alight :upyeah:
  9. Police are looking for someone light on their feet, with light clothing..probably a smoker
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  10. Was he looking to get back at an old flame?
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