Not too far from me is a great roundabout to try and get your knee down on.......but you have to go be there relatively early (between 7-9am at weekends) to get the most of it. It can be good fun. Anyone else partake in such childish behaviour? :smile:
Nope. Can't beat a good old quiet roundabout. Just need to watch out for the horrible crap on them due to not much traffic doing the round and round and round. ;-)
if you get there early enough, can you go the other way round to even out your tyre & slider wear?... :wink:
Guilty as charged! We have a series of cracking roundabouts where many a "learner" is seen trying to scrape the slider. Also used to use a road called The Serpentine near Hameln in Germany which is brilliant, about 3km of twisties, so many bikes use it as a racetrack, the Polizei have installed padding on the armco posts
yes i think we all have a secret fetish for well out of practice, but its my intention to get back on it (when the bikes back on the road....again) will help me recalibrate my angle of dangle sensor and stop me from going off prematurely..
The Police tend to look down on riders roundabout surfing, however..... Audi drifting around a roundabout - YouTube
I live just outside Milton Keynes and if you're selective and keep away from the roundabouts near distribution centres where lorries have slopped diesel it's knee down heaven. It's also a good place for exiting the roundabout and popping up the front wheel which makes it even more fun :wink:
Nothing alleged about it, I've seen the naughty boys doing it and I was so disgusted I nearly wrote to the Daily Mail.
Yeah, theres some great roundabouts in the new town next to me ,allegedly used as short circuit road racing track with both left and right swoopers so I have heard
Sorry, but I think it's a bit sad! As has been posted, if you want to get your knee down so bad then book a track day!