Route Napoleon - can anyone recommend hotels at either end?

Discussion in 'Touring' started by MrsC_772, May 12, 2012.

  1. Planning on doing the Route Napoleon in SE France on the way back from WDW on the Monster. Can anyone recommend any reasonable hotels at either end. My original idea was to stay overnight around Grasse before riding north up the Route Napoleon, ending up ultimately somewhere between Grenoble and Annecy. (Yes, I know that's (a) a bit vague and (b) a long way!) I want to pre-book accommodation rather than ride up and hope for the best.
  2. In the 90s I had this fab book filled with chambers d'hôte in prestigious houses in France. You'd find a castle or something you liked the look of in the area you wanted to go and then rang 'em up and booked it. Far more interesting than a hotel. You got to chat with the owner, and often they cooked for you in the evening and even ate with you. I had some great evenings and stayed in the most amazing places. Cost less than a hotel and was miles better. Barely out of your leathers before they are offering you a beer.

    Can't seem to find the same book now, but something similar must exist on Amazon or the web.
  3. #4 nogaromill999, May 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2012
  4. Did it in 83 and still remember that road. Also remember leaving Menton and driving all the way home only stopping for fuel and snacks. Had no money left for food or an overnight. Paris at 3am in a just a leather jacket, tee shirt and jeans was pretty cold, bike was a Z750L3 with no fairing so that helped keep the cold at bay :biggrin:
    Was a good trip, went down through NE France into Interlaken and then down to the south coast via lake lussane. Had my girlfriend on the bike who today is my wife.
  5. Wot, you mean after these spectacular planning errors and introduction to great discomfort, she married you?
    Got to be true love! :biggrin:
  6. Going to pop a pic up in a min
  7. So first off here's the location of the next pic

  8. And here's me and the bike, might start a thread of old pics?

  9. Instaed of the Route Napoleon, you should consider the Route des Grand Alpes (runs from Menton to Lake Geneve, mountains all the way). I've done both & in my opinion the RdGA is MUCH better. I've done it on both a Monster 1100S & my Multistrada.
  10. Of course, bikes had real seats in those days (esp as far as the pillion is concerned).
  11. Was a fun trip, did not book one thing. Just turned up at Dover with a tent in the backpack and just went
  12. Of course, bikes had real luggage carrying capabilities in those days - you didn't need a "tourer". You just had a bike.
    Market segmentation? Bah! Humbug!
  13. The rucksack was so heavy my wife could not walk with it( she's only small) thankfully the weight sat on the tail piece so was not too bad on the move
  14. Old pics in France - Hows about this?

    Sept 1989 on the way to the Bol d'Or at Paul Ricard.
    Col de L'Iseran Sept 1989.jpg

    Sorry I'm not much help on the original subject of this thread as I always took my tent.

    Col de L'Iseran Sept 1989.jpg
    #15 98 SPS, May 16, 2012
    Last edited: May 16, 2012
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