Another idle fecking benefits scrounger to join the rest of the out dated lazy fucking institution Referendum needed Let's fuck em off now, enough is enough
Hmmm the latest benefit scrounger, who will likely cost the country (you & me) tens of millions throughtout his life is the green one...
Yes......well, two of them. Michael Palin said 'Woger' and 'Bwian' (life of Bwian); Grahma Chapman said 'nice woody sound' (and possibly Eric Idle). ('Caribou on the lawn').
Their a bunch of fecking idle scroungers, including that pair of immigrants that you'd have issues supporting if they didn't sport that ridiculous title!! A German and a Greek and her millions of fucking bumming off spring, all on the take for fuck all input, along with 6000 other landed gentry toffs that own 42 million acres of Britain (fact) Bums!! Sack the lot of em.