Royal Marines Charitable Trust.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Drinky, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Some of you may know that I did my 22 years in the Marines and that this year marks the 350th anniversary of 'the Corps'. In that time many have tried to copy us but failed miserably.
    Anyway always one for I challenge I've (been roped in) signed up for the RM Ride 350, a charity 350 mile ride from Southsea to EXmouth and back again in 24 hours.
    Now I'm a keen cyclist but this one is still causing me sleepless nights. I've been training hard for this but I'm still daunted by the task ahead.
    If anyone would like to sponsor me then you can do so at the link below.


    Virgin Money Giving | Fundraising | Glenn Drinkwater's fundraising page
  2. Hey Royal, Good luck and I'm sure it'll get easier when you're cycling away from Exmouth/Lympstone. I left about eight years ago now. I'm trying to work out if I know you? You know a couple of good mates of mine from the Corp on Facebook so I've added you, will chat on those means if you're online :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Done. Good luck + an honour to sponsor one who's covered our backs.
  4. Best get the Vaseline ready...
  5. Thanks guys, appreciate it. Your right Bradders but Chamois cream is the new Vaseline.
  6. For those of you who sponsored me (and those who did not post on here) again thanks. Just to let you know as it stands I've raised £1,198.75. I completed the ride along with the other 100+ nutters on Saturday stating in pissing down rain and finishing 28 hours and 20 minutes later in bright sunshine. My actual riding time was 25 hours and 20 minutes, not bad if you imagine its the distance from my home in Newbury to 49 miles short of Glasgow.
    Thanks fella's.
  7. Neighbour is 40 Commando. So ive added a tiny amount :upyeah:
  8. Cheers mate, I was at 40 for 11 years.
  9. Good effort Drinky

    I was a bootneck for 14 years, left 18 years ago.

    AC :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Missed this Drinky I have donated
    Hope your butt didn't suffer too much
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I joined in 86, did my 22 so our paths may well have crossed.
  12. Thanks Viv, much appreciated.
  13. Didn't realise Squaddie was doing it too
  14. Quite possibly Drinky joined in 82, left in 96 ,listed some of my drafts. AC
    gulf war
  15. He was a Royal Marine, not Navy.
  16. Same thing... ;-)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Never past tense Shadow, once you've earned title its your for keeps, as they say.
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