Sat on a virgin train after delivering a 2day course. Rather large aggressive lady stomps down by my side slamming her bag down and attempting to intimidate me and other passengers. I smile sweetly and say ' had a bad day' humph is the reply. She then starts to elbow me in the side and I say ' I'm sorry but there is no room unless I step outside of the train as I'm broad shouldered and your hardly' I stop 'what am I she demands ' I smile sweetly. Other passengers are now grinning. She then resumes digging me in the ribs and I point this out and am told ' just fuck off' I reply if you were my 9 year old I would wash your potty mouth out with soap' she then gets up dramatically throws her empty packet of crisps down like a petulant child says just fuck off and storms off. The surrounding passengers all start laughing. Made my day. Why do people believe they can behave like this?
Too right! Hate people that think they can bully their way through their life to the cost of others... Cnuts!
To answer the OP - because she is an ill-mannered moron. She had probably never been told "no" in here life...