Rude people

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Sat on a virgin train after delivering a 2day course. Rather large aggressive lady stomps down by my side slamming her bag down and attempting to intimidate me and other passengers. I smile sweetly and say ' had a bad day' humph is the reply. She then starts to elbow me in the side and I say ' I'm sorry but there is no room unless I step outside of the train as I'm broad shouldered and your hardly' I stop 'what am I she demands ' I smile sweetly. Other passengers are now grinning. She then resumes digging me in the ribs and I point this out and am told ' just fuck off' I reply if you were my 9 year old I would wash your potty mouth out with soap' she then gets up dramatically throws her empty packet of crisps down like a petulant child says just fuck off and storms off. The surrounding passengers all start laughing. Made my day. Why do people believe they can behave like this? :)
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  2. let me get my popcorn..this is gonna be a good un...
  3. hormones
  4. Too right! Hate people that think they can bully their way through their life to the cost of others... Cnuts!
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  5. If it was a "Virgin train", does that mean it's never entered a tunnel?....
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  6. dunno, but it sounds like it was full of cnuts.
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  7. Is it cos you is black?
  8. No, it means it smells of piss.
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  9. To answer the OP - because she is an ill-mannered moron. She had probably never been told "no" in here life...
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  10. particularly when it came to denying her another pie by the sound of it.
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  11. I know she was rude and moaned, but it's a bit harsh calling her a whore isn't it? :wink:
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  12. And not strictly true as I doubt she was ever paid for it...
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