Rust Inside Tank Causing Problems

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Plezier, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. The 2002 Monster Dark 620ie looked at today has this problem of rust in the tank causing non running at times by blocking the fuel pump now the owner has tried to deal with it and has soaked the tank in Vinegar for several days then used a mild domestic acid put in a new filter and cleaned the pump but there still seems to be an issue would having a sealer applied sort it out or will it need a better condition replacement tank?

    You can slight damage he did getting the cap mounting ring off the tank it's also full on petrol now.


    Manufactured in 2001 and sent to the US where it was dropped causing enough damage to insurance Company to declare it a loss it was bought then and shipped to BUlgaria in 2005 with 5,000 miles on the clock it now shows 7677 miles.
  2. My 1997 900ss tank failed in the usual place so I had a patch repaired and re sprayed
    I used POR 15 tank sealer with good results… so far.
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  3. Ahhh this was caused by it being left empty and not used for about 18 months. If I were to buy this would most likely have the tank resprayed over winter and that little bit of damage sorted the question is can we cure the fuel starvation caused by the internal rust?
  4. Once the tank has been repaired/sealed it will cease to rust and block the fuel line/ filter
    So yes, fuel starvation will stop. If this is in fact the cause of your issue
  5. Me too, but the Ducati purists wouldn't like it.
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  6. Thanks but your suggesting that there might be other issues? I asked on a Face Book Ducati page and it has been suggested that the fuel pump would need to be replaced if this is the case am wondering if it would be wise to also replace all the fuel hoses bearing in mind their age. The bike has been stored under cover so not in the sun.
  7. Ahhhh I am not so worried about the purists that is unless they show up with tar and feather brandishing pitchforks!

    Just want thebie to be able to run properly if I but it that is one thing that niggles me is an advert giving one price then when you arrive you get told another much higher price :confounded: the newly informed price is over double of that on the advert but that advert price was suspiciously low so it was not a total shock it really just annoys me. Oh yes and only one key.
  8. Would the fuel filter not catch the fragments of rust before they got to the pump?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. It would appear not the filter in on the left up near the filler neck the pump is down the bottom at the rear of the tank soI can only assume that the particles are blocking the pumps and it's filtering gauze the gauze is know for breaking up with age it seems have been watching some videos about this and it might not be an easy job for me due to not having skinny forearms.

  10. I’ve always ‘cured’ rusty tanks with a 50/50 dilution of battery acid taken from dead batteries I might have had laying around. Obviously, you need to take great care with paintwork, but the liquid doesn’t need to be in the tank for more than a minute or two and leaves the metal looking like new. You will need to remove pump and hoses, but these can be replaced after rinsing the tank. I’ve used this method on many different tanks and it has always worked quickly and super- effectively.
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  11. Hmmm do have a fairly large battery that no longer holds charge will bear it in mind than you.

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  12. I'm interested that you have a 620 with a Metal tank, I thought they were all Plastic.

    The plastic tank on my M1000 expands so much I have two, and swap them over each year so the empty one contracts back to size.
    A 620 metal tank properly lined to stop rust sounds like a great option for me.
  13. Thanks for reminding me as i need a couple more keys cut that appear tobe mislaid or lost.:)
  14. The POR 15 kit contains both the tank cleaned and sealant. Can recommend it.
  15. Well as of yet have not come across a plastic tanked Monster perhaps it' because the other two I looked at were both 1998 models the 620 is a 2002 model be interesting to see what the 900 has on it as that is also a 2002 model.

    The more I read and watch videos the more I cannot help wondering as to why he has not finished dealing with this himself with such low mileage with it running propely and those little dings by the filler fixed it would sell for twice as much at least. The rear tyre is getting down towards the wear marks is 7,677 miles reasonable wear for that? Or am I reading too much into this?

  16. Hi All well in case some have not realised I bought the 620ie and have been using electrolysis to deal with the rust and it looks like it WILL be getting the Por-15 treatment that is when the kit arrives from the UK along with some submerisble fuel hose. Can you believe that I cannot seem to get any of that here !!!!!! :astonished: In the meantime am going to buy a couple of bits or ordinary fuel hose and use them to connect up the new fuel pump and inline filter so we can see if this helps with the poor starting issue as it's been suggested that the yucky orange coloured fuel removed from the tank may have been some of the issue but untilwe get fresh fuel in the tank and try starting her we will not know for sure.

    PITA to be sure to have to take it all out again to fit the correct hose but if I wait until the hose and Por-15 kit arrives which will be in July now possible the 6th but if am lucky a bit earlier but it could possibly be even later and that means another month or thereabouts. This is some of the rust lifted off by the electrolysis :-


    Not nice at all. Will be visiting the body/paintshop to ask about the repair of the dents around the filler and the small on on the left of the tank and a strip and respray will also ask about getting the "mudguards" done as well as they have some gouges in the plastic.

  17. Yuk!
  18. Yes indeed YUK!!!

    Now this might not be ideal but rather than buy new hose and then throw it away in a couple or few weeks have reused the old hoses. Biggest struggle was getting the new fuel pump in place in the end had to put rubber sleeve in place then slide the pump into it of course this means that cannot fit the screen mesh filter and cannot get it onto teh rear of the pump when it's in place. Or at least I cannot do so.

    Bike is running and a bit smoother I think after dinner will try a little ride on the common outside the house.

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  19. Well the bike seems to run OK although only got to use 1st & 2nd rode up the rack towards the top of the hill saw Yannie the shepherd so decided to turn around and go chat as have not spoken to him for a while now.

    Well you can guess what happended ................. :pensive: yep flunked the U turn and dropped it so now need a new clutch lever as it dug into the soil and snapped 50mm off the end. Anyway picked my self up turned off the bike and then picked it up (need to get fitter) :rolleyes: and started it up and went to chat with Yannie the down the hill home. When I parked up looked at it as you do and noticed that the headlight unit was not in straight and was slightly on the piss so of course had to adjust that now that noticed it.

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