S4r Owner And I Love It

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by AERK, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. Hello people I was unfortunate to have my s4r stolen but lucky enough to get it back it was dumped in a bush they couldn't start it due to the immobiliser thank god that worked but they did break ignition barrel (lock switch) and top yoke just wondering if any one knows where I could try to get these parts ducati want a arm and a leg help much appreciated
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  2. put the above up on here:-
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  3. I thought they'd upped their game these days, as they'll need a foot & hand as well.

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  4. ah, ok, you have to have so many posts before possible. :upyeah:
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  5. I'll put some more posts on cheers Chris
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  6. Welcome to the forum.:)
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  7. Welcome and enjoy. Good luck finding what you are looking for.
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  8. Welcome
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  9. Depending on how damaged the lock it..it may possible to buy a 2nd hand working lock (even without key) from eBay and get the key barrel innards transplanted by a lock smith
    This cost me about 70 all Inc on my s2r

    You could also get a 2nd hand ignition barrel and key and just switch the immobiliser transponder to the new key (but this means different keys for ignition and fuel cap)

    Top yokes come up on eBay too. Same part is used on monster 620 695 s2r s4r
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  10. welcome into our mad house
    You will need a post count of 30 and subscribed to forum then you will be able to access the wanted section
    #11 Ducbird, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
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  11. I might have a m800 lock barrel and key
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  12. I do:
    Possibly from an 04 M1000, need a sage to advise if this will fit, only black key, no red. IMG_20230603_145115495.jpg
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  13. Thankyou ill let you know Ive only just saw this post I've got one coming from a mate but I'm not sure it's the right one
  14. That should fit
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  15. No worries, let me know if you need it.
  16. He has to be a subscriber to access the wanted section
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