Monster/Monster+ S4r/s S2r Footrests/rearset

Discussion in 'Monster' started by paulm2930, Jul 8, 2024.

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  1. Soon to be available for sale so just gauging interest here before cleaning them up and putting a sale ad up. These are fantastic aftermarket rearsets for the S4/S4R/S4RS/S2R etc era monster. Not sure what brand they are but there is a receipt for £390 15 years ago and supplied by Protwins.


  2. Hello, I may be interested. Let me know if you end up selling them.
  3. Price and location would be useful
  4. What Bradders said!
  5. If you do not want to place the sale ad, contact me. I'm sure we'll come to an agreement.
  6. He doesn’t want to spend the fiver : unamused::poop:
  7. no, it's not like that. I've been looking for this article for a while. When I said "I'm sure we can reach an agreement" I meant that I will pay whatever price the seller decides ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Bet you’re great at poker :joy::joy::joy:

    I’m looking for some too at the mo, found some on eBay that are very different to those but they look a bit scruffy for me :)
  9. He’s already a subscriber
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Oops that’s me in the corner :skull:
  11. REM…… 1991
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. Sold and delivered to @Pepe
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  13. Thread closed
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