S4rs Vs. 1200 Monster

Discussion in 'Monster' started by JerryXt, May 31, 2014.

  1. I did a little review over at me blog. I've been very interested in the 1200 since it was announced last year.

    If you've got a few minutes, get a pint and please give it a read! Got to be better than watching Casualty...
  2. I agree with your write up :)
  3. So c'mon jerry, which one?
  4. Would be interested to read it, but where's the blog?
  5. Its on his profile - jerrysworlds.blogspot.com
  6. Ridden both, sticking with the S4R, the 1200 was a disappointment and it looks odd. Ok the S4R isn't a looker but it looks like a Monster!
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  7. S4RS for me very time. In spite of the pitiful tank range (usually around 70 miles to the light) it's a real fun bike and it looks good too, I just wish I could have found a white one but there just wasn't one around until of course just after I bought a red version. Sounds like the 1200 is a good bike to ride but to me all the new style models are just sooooooo ugly - sorry to any owners out there, each to their own and all that.
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