1200 Sat Nav Din Hella Socket

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by nigeleeezzzz, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. Can anyone point towards where I can buy a din hella socket for a Garmin Zumo Sat Nav and the best place to mount it on a 2013 Multistrada? I bought this on a previous bike but wondered if there was anything better.
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  2. As above. Those DIN Hella sockets are bloody unsightly things that also require adapters to connect to anything. Just wire up to the accessory wires or hook up a 12v USB port to those wires and pop it somewhere near the dash.
  3. I didn't want to run a wire that far when there's a point near the handlebars that's available
  4. I bough this second hand and, the Garmin cradle looks like this, IMG_0229.JPG
    Although there is a USB port underneath the power point used, if there is a cable plugged it it will stick out too far to allow the Sat Nav to be put in.
    Am I missing something? Sorry if I sound a bit thick!
  5. Most come with bare wires. I’d snip (it’ll just be 2wires) and solder to the sat nav wires the bike comes with. Much neater looking solution.
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  6. I agree but I'd like to use it on more than 1 bike
  7. In that case, grab some smaller, more discreet connectors and hook one up to each bike. Much smaller than DIN, especially when you have the small version that requires that massive bloody adapter too.

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  8. That looks like a 550 mount. They had a far simpler lead than that on the 5905 etc, but still bulky unless you shorten it.
    Best bet is to use the coaxial power connectors like JH has posted above. I have one of these sockets tucked under the relay flap on the left that mine plugs into. To remove the satnav mount wiring all you need do is remove the left panel and unplug the cable.
    Trying to fit a Hella socket is harder because there is less room available. You can just about get one in the panel in front of the fuse cover. The plug and wire doesnt stay there long though, turn the bars real tight and it gets dislodged unless you get inventive with duct tape, but that looks horrible. If you must have a din socket, you would be better just tie-wrapping a floating socket to the headlight support bracket, so its out of the way of the forks.
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  9. If it is a 550 of later it should have come with a car and bike cradle. it could be the PO has converted a car cradle here or mixed them. Best option is as said strip the wires and connect to the supply. I have mine direct to the battery so i can browse with the engine off
  10. You should be able to browse with the ignition off anyway, well at least for a short while. I'd be reluctant to wire it direct to the battery just in case I walked off with the nav left on .
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  11. Battery life on the unit should be plenty to browse when stopped. The only minor inconvenience is that some units power down when they detect they power has been cut but I’m sure this can be disabled in settings, or set to a 5 minute timer or such (as I can on my action cam)
  12. Garmin, well my Zumo 590 and all previous models I've owned, give you a warning and an option to stay powered up from the GPS' internal battery.
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  13. I think you may find if you do above you may blow it.The unit comes new with a cig lighter adapter as your picture which has 12v to 5v reducer built in. Also comes with the power adapter to connect to 12v supply, which your bike has on left front of fuel tank. This adapter has the voltage reducer built in. To connect to the bikes 12v dedicated sat nav supply. Please someone tell me I am wrong.
  14. The mount in the pic looks like it's for a Zumo 550, I believe that this has the transformer in the cradle or the GPS itself, same applies to the 590/595 models. The 3xx and 4xx series I think have an in-line transformer, a box in the motorcycle power cable.

    If there's a black box in the cable, other than an in-line blade fuse, then Steviegtr's statement is correct. However, in this case, if it's just a cable, then snipping the wires will be fine though retaining the fuse would be prudent. Garmin tend, from my experience, to use red(+) and black(-) for the power wires.
  15. Possibly correct. Mine is 395lm. Would still be careful though.
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