1200 DVT Sat Nav Feed

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sam1199, May 3, 2019.

  1. Is the sat nav feed activated when the ignition is turned on or when the engine is started?
    Does it cut out with ignition off?

    Dedicated feed that is to the left of the ignition key under the black plastic flap.
  2. Ignition on, feed is live.

    Ignition off, feed is cut and my Garmin 590 goes into it's routine of offering to stay running on its own internal battery or standby in so many seconds.

    That's on my 1260 MTS, no reason why the 1200 is going to be any different.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. As above.
  4. Same here.
  5. Thanks guys. Sorted it.

    I thought the lead was dead but tested it and it gives 5v.

    The previous owner left a TomTom connector tucked away, saved me having to do the install. Result.
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