Anyone know if the Garmin Zumo 396 lmt-s will bolt onto a navihalter or would I need to drill extra holes? Thanks in advance
Just seen this post, if you haven't bought the 550 yet I'd do a net search first about some problems it may have. I have one and I'm not best pleased with it as yet. p.s. I upgraded from a 410.
Being a dyed in the wool Garmin user I'm not aware of the issues with current TomTom units. However, all sat navs have their foibles, even new models from a manufacturer you're familiar with, and take some adjusting to. Spend the time learning/practising how to plot routes and set the thing up, as well as using it on the road, before embarking on a trip of any significance. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard of people buying one before setting off to the continent only to come home complaining about the sat nav getting it all wrong and fecking up their holiday.
It's not it's ability to plot a route or track (still don't know the difference) that I'm having problems with Bumpkin, any failing there is down to me. The issue I'm having problems with is its connectivity, had no probs with the 410 but I am having problems on the 550.