Satanic Yoga

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. i followed the link on El Toro's 'hydrophobic' post and saw this in the side bar (which is frankly more interesting than the wonders of nature and science)..good old religion..

    Apparently loads of Muslims, Christers and Jews are getting all wound up over Yoga due to it's Hindu origins, and it has been banned from church halls across the country....what a bunch of bleedin' idiots..

    Read on:

    BBC News - Does doing yoga make you a Hindu?
  2. Brilliant, makes me feel relatively sane.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. head wall bang
  4. Hindu yoga isn't that tantric sex? No wonder it got banned from church halls :eek:
  5. Except after choir practice (allegedly) :eek:
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