Just a quick question for people in the know. On the 1200 DVT is there a accessory/satnav connector fitted by the factory under the plastics other than the Din plug on the right hand side. I have a carplay head that is on all the time and am wishing to change it to on with the ignition. Thanks
Not sure if the DVT is the same as the first gen 1200 but there is a pre wired switched live under the left hand side plastic on my 2012, accessible by removing the black plastic trim piece. Andy
Yes, it's the same on the DVT as the 1200. It's a slim, square, white connector. It may have pre-soldered wires aready in it.
Yes, remove the left black plastic in-fill panel, that starts under the emergency start button cover and runs down the nearside of the fairing to the snout. Undo the two small hex screws, separate and slide the panel forwards to disengage from the front where lugs hook into the snout and part way down the panel. The 12v GPS power socket (at the very rearward position under the edge of the tank) is a two pin mini connector that, if the terminated pig-tail is still in place, requires a slim bladed screwdriver to unclip the little retaining catch in my experience. If the pig-tail is there; unplug it and dip the encapsulated end in boiling water or use a heat gun to soften it to aid in the removal of the covering. With the wires exposed you can then solder the wires to the power lead for your sat-nav, check polarity first.