Hi, following on from my car satnav thread I wonder if someone could either send a picture or diagram of where the built in power source is which I can use for my satnav please. I got a ram cradle and the amazing iconic mount arm from Jamie. Have to admire the workmanship that goes into bits like that.
Have at a look a the video @Dr Mark posted a while ago https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/satnav-advice.33486/page-9#post-740005
You don't need to take the nose off! Just central cover at the front of the tank [item 10] and the left hand cover [item 9]:
Hi Steve, I had the left HD fairing side off and the black cover at the top, couldn't see it. I didn't take the surround off to the ignition keys, is it there, cant remember seeing it when I swopped the plastic item out for carbon ? 1199 Panegali
This help? https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/power-for-sat-nav-usb-etc-connector-found-hidden-jem.35804/ I believe the power is on picture 3 and the white snap connector that has a bit of extra wire attached then heat shrinked
It’s a bit fiddly to find but it’s there. Biggest issue I had was hiding he satnav transformer; ended up tucking it next to the Bluetooth unit
Mr Steve 123 is totally correct. In fact it's improved even further on the newer models, in that the connector is one of the waterproof types, simply 'plug & play'.