Saudi Arabia

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ballbagracer, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Not sure if I mentioned this on here before?

    Anyho, about 18 months ago there was a possiblity of the wife going to work in Saudi. The company didnt win the contract so never happened.
    Her old boss, who is out there now has just been in touch and is asking her if she still wants the position. It is good money and highly likley that the salary will go into 6 figures, tax free. This is a little strange for me as it is normally the other way around, the husband bringing the wife over but she is the clever one, so I would be a kept man (not sure I really like that idea) I have been doing a fair bit of reserch online about living over there. I have worked all over the world in my job and am now happier to be at home although I still work away. I do not want her to miss out on an experiance, she has a good job that is fairly well paid now but does do a lot of driving/long days.
    I have said to her why not look at places like Kuala Lumpur and Singapore? but with her old boss in charge the job is 95% hers so she wouldnt have a long hard process of trying to find something suitable.

    Hope I havent bored you just thought Id see if any of you guys had lived and worked out there? I have worked in Qatar/Abu Dhabi and Dubai and life would be ok in one of them, but this really is different!!
  2. Surely she'd be a 2nd class citizen there??
  3. No driving, life on a compound, very restricted access to alcohol, religious police everywhere, arrogant Saudi's treating you like peasants, no income tax, yeah, go for it !
  4. Yeap! but she realises there will be sacrifes. We will see?
  5. We have a division of our group in Saudi. Most of the brits that are working out there are living on the compounds while racking up enough cash to pay off their mortgages here. Either that or building a pot to retire with.

    If you have the kind of skills that command that kind of income but could also earn it elsewhere in the world then i'd go with the "elsewhere " if i could. If its high salary in saudi or low salary here then its a different choice, but the possibility to fund a better life afterwards would be tempting.
  6. I've been away from home since September, I miss home like mad and I want to come home and be with my kids. Depends how much you like being around her I guess or what the home/away split is. I've only been home for 6 days since I left. It's a killer.

    No amount of money is worth this, I'd rather be poor and have happy kids.
  7. I spent a year and a half in Saudi, and I like the place and people. However, I wasn't married, no kids etc and the money was good. I lived in various compounds in Dahran and Jeddah, and had use of vehicles. Not sure I'd go back now though as it wouldn't be fair on my daughter. If it was just me and the misses I'd be tempted, just to pay the mortgage off and put some money aside.
  8. Some very thought provoking answers there, thanks.
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