999 Save Me From A Crushed Spine!

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by sandking11, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. so im quite new to 2003 999s ownership. i covered about 120 miles on sunday and majority was great, until i hit some smaller B roads where the road quality was pretty shite tbh but the duke turned into a real handful. it was skipping all over the road. praise the lord for steering dampers!

    i havent even checked the settings its currently on. it certainly has a lot of ride height. does anyone have the standard road settings just to get it in ball park
  2. A recomended setup is 285mm eye to eye ctrs on rear ride height adjuster and 4 rings showing above yokes.

    Factory 999S settings
    Comp 30
    Reb. 28
    Pre. 40mm

    Bottom adj 14 unscrew/clockwise
    Top adj 10 clicks unsc/ clw.
    Preload 13mm.
    #2 900streetfighter, Mar 3, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
  3. thanks streetfighter ill give that a whirl as soon as im able to walk again.
    the fork settings are they from all the way out or from all the way in?
  4. When I bought my 999s it was the worse bike I had ever ridden the last owner has "played" with the settings!! Honestly it would not go round a corner.
    I took it to Kais suspension shoved them £50 and the worked their magic on what they described as one of the worse set up bike they had ever come across! The difference we night and day. Several months later I took it back to be resprung etc to my weight and it took it to the next level.
    So find a local expert and let them work some magic
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Clicks out from all way in.
  6. All dependant on your individual weight of course,the difference between a skinny 9 stoner and a 14 stone fat b@stard like me will be unbelievable,i posted my preferred settings a while back ,999S Ohlins etc,these settings transformed my bike,do a search if your interested.
  7. ill check it out. im by no means a guru but know at least how to get somewhere near-ish wih what ive got. it just makes life so much easier at least having it in the same postcode. im thinking the last owner did all you can eat restaurants as a pastime
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