
Discussion in 'Monster' started by TLMARK, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Riding home from work the other evening coming around a series of bends, my front wheel hit
    Something hard with a very loud bang! I glanced in the mirror and saw a cloud.
    Thinking I’d hit a rock or stone and maybe it had exploded…
    Er No the cloud was following me?
    Then the back wheel starts sliding about I thought maybe the tyre had burst or the wheel collapsed so pull over and there is oil and smoke everywhere.

    Some bastard scaffolder had not put his scaffold clamps away in his truck properly and one had fell off in the middle of the road.
    The damage luckily was only!
    A ripped hole in the oil filter and a dented exhaust!


    the back tyre


    the oil slick


    the culprit weighs about a kilo.


    So £50 for a new filter and 4 ltr of oil later we are all good.

    be careful peeps :wink:
  2. The colour code on that clip is specific to a scaffolding company. You could try to get some compensation but i wouldnt hold my breath. However it may be worth reporting it to plod.

    You were dead lucky there. Phew!
  3. Holy (No pun intended) crap. That could have been really nasty. I think I'd be taking things further
  4. Not good. Hope your engine didn't get any damage!...
  5. Poor observation :frown:
  6. troll.jpg

    Just the kind of comment I would expect form you :rolleyes:

    #7 TLMARK, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  7. I love the lorries with big lumps of hardcore and stuff uncovered so it flies out of the top of the lorry and damages your windscreen :(

    Also roofers who scatter big roofers nails over the road just after you have had a new tyre fitted :(
    I recall them both well.

    Guy at work had his car hit by builders lorry witness as well.
    So he called them up and said fix it and the blokes answer was F off..
    He said I have a witness as well .
    Bloke said I don't care F off!!!!
    Unreal ...
    Building firm had a nice fancy website .
    Not after that they didn't :)
    Never hit an IT guys car :)
  8. Glad I didn't disappoint. Might make you look where you are going next time eh :smile:
  9. Well email sent so we will see :wink:
  10. I was following an open topped truck full of junk down the M6 a few years back.
    Luckily I was in the car.
    No net over the load and a wooden pallet on top.
    I was just noticing how the pallet was moving around a bit, when the low pressure from above lifted it clean out of the truck and dropped it in front of me, while I was doing about 80mph in the fast lane while overtaking a car in the middle lane.
    A quick glance in the mirror showed a range rover approaching rapidly from behind, so heavy braking was not an option.
    Having nowhere to go, I just had to squeeze the middle lane driver over a bit. Fortunately he responded and gave me some space and I got past just clipping the pallet with my front wheel. ...and the tyre didn't blow.
    I didn't see what happened to the range rover as my attention was somewhat distracted.
    Many drivers simply don't realise the effect that speed has on their unsecured loads. I give them all a very wide berth these days.

    Slightly funnier, my mate had his boot lid pop open on the M40 and his daughter's holiday luggage dropped out.
    The van full of builders who were following ran over the bag, which was picked up by the engine somehow.
    One huge bang later and their underbonnet area was filled with various engine parts randomly arranged on a bed of wool waste.
    They weren't best pleased.

    You were lucky to get away so lightly from the scaffold clamp incident.
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