Scam Posts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Other forums vet their new members prior to allowing posts - there can't be that many new registration for this to be possible on here? Maybe? Is that possible? They do my tits in when they get regular :D Mmmm, boobies... now look what I've done!
  2. Scammer post yesterday had nice avatar.
  3. They often do - that's the thing - such a disappointment :-( but you can tell they are scammers so clearly so why not weed them out before they get chance to post like other forums? Is it laziness, if so that's fine :D
  4. (On another forum) I get sent requests for approval on quite a regular basis, and the clues to spammers / scammers are generally in their user names and email addresses. EG Woo (followed by some Chinese characters etc)
    They are generally incomprehensible,and so just get deleted at source so to speak.
    There was indeed one on yesterday, which got shot down pretty quickly, and to be fair if I remember correctly the user name came accross as legitimate, so no one would be any the wiser until they started posting.
    I may be wrong but the mods are all doing this on a voluntary basis and have other things to deal with outside of forum business; to which it's up to everyone to jointly keep a watchful eye and report anything suspicious.
    I must admit that I saw the post referred to above which already had a "downvote" attached and I followed suit after sussing the contents, thereafter it was swiftly dealt with.

    BTW, I was working on the assumption that 4 x downvotes = as strike out?
  5. That's exactly why I said - if it's laziness that's fine ;) even if someone somewhere makes a fortune out of Ducati advertising :Snaphappy:
  6. I blame the mods......
  7. 3 downvotes and they're out.
  8. Not the mods...
  9. I blame the rockers.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. As soon as I see one it's deleted
  11. I report them as spam :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I like them. They make more sense than some of the regular posters:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Especially yours!;)
  14. @Rob and I are looking into it as Im getting sick and tired of banning three or four people a day
  15. Dry your eyes, Princess and get on with your work.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Matt, Rob, I can sort scammers out for you. It's my job and I share my bonuses. Just send me your name, address, bank account number and sort code, mothers maiden name, favorite colour, inside leg measurement, shoe size and the times you are at work so I can pay you your share of this multi billion pound scam stopping industry. THIS IS DEFINITELY POSITIVELY 100% NOT A SCAM.
    Or maybe it is a little bit.
    Seriously though, it's a great forum and if there's anything genuine users can do to help I'm sure we're all in.
    • Like Like x 3

  17. Yeah bloody locals :)
  18. Figaro D'Arsy
    1, Pall Mall, London. W1
    Hottinger & Cie. 42750061. 23.00.18
    Red (unless it's a Yamaha, in which case blue)

    Please send money now:(
  19. We are having trouble with your account Sir Mr D'arsy Sir, if you could deposit £5000 into our account we will return your money plus 50 million dong. Promise, we are really very honest thanking you please very much indeed.

    I'm sure scams have moved on from this type of thing, but I'm sure we all remember them.
  20. You need a Captcha in the sign-up form and email confirmation before posting; that'll stop 99.999% of them.
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