So, I'm selling a classic mini, not on ebay but only advertised on mini forum, car and classic site, and mini club site. Today I received an email from Frank Anderson asking if it was still for sale. I replied that it was and this was my next email... I am very keen. How i wish i could come for viewing and inspection but am currently out of the country and I'm Marine engineer and i am presently on a project contract which will end in a couple of months and i want it picked up before i return.I can't even make calls due to the lack of reception on the sea but I'm able to access my mail through my laptop and my only quickest payment option is PayPal and I would like to pay you using Paypal due to my inability to make a bank deposit which is safer for me. Kindly send me a Paypal payment invoice or create an account with Paypal on if you don't have one. I will make a solid pick up arrangement with my transport agent who will be coming over for pick up once you receive full payment into your Paypal account. Have a nice day. Few more photos will be appreciated as well.I look forward to reading from you with the information below. Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Full name: Firm Price: Mobile Number: Address for pickup: Something smells funny to me, what do you scammer experts think?
Scammer by the sound of it, laptop is capable of video call, ask him to call you or give you his number
I thought it looked a bit iffy.I would expect better English and grammar from a marine engineer called Frank Anderson. I replied and said cash or BACS only. Haven't heard from Frank since.
He's back! I've never sold anything so easily! Not even a bit of haggling.... Okay I can make the payment via bank transfer so kindly get back to me with pictures and payment details as well.
Go for bank transfer, before you tell him your address and get more info on him to check out he's legit
Absolute SCAM. I had a guy on an oil rig trying to buy one of my bikes a while back. Wanted it freighted to Italy as a present for his son - they are very creative writers Just block him!
Scam City, here we come! Can't see the exact scam but who buys something privately without seeing it. If it is from a forum, check out his forum history (and post it here so that we can all be entertained!).
often they send a fake ‘you’ve got funds’ PayPal email that looks really convincing which makes you think it’s been paid for, not so much on bikes etc but it’s rife on watches and stuff, I had someone trying to do it to me regarding a watch, sometimes though they want plates etc so they can clone vehicles
I'm guessing he's picked up my email from the ad on site. I am not going any further with it. If he's genuine then he can come view the car and then pay as a normal buyer would. We are talking about 10 grand here, not a few hundred quid
Put yourself in the shoes of the genuine buyer. You work away but for a 10k private purchase, wouldn't you want to view (I always think that this is to judge the seller, as well as the bike)
This is an old scam. What they do is make a fake payment page and "accidently" overpay you by a grand or so. Then they ask for you to refund the amount overpaid. Bearing in mind they haven't paid you anything. In my case, it was $500 but I was aware it was a scam already so they got nada. They are asking for a very small amount in proportion to the sale price so it doesn't seem like a scam but hey, anything is free money for them!
Had the same type of scam attempt happen to me except I was inquiring about an enclosed trailer for sale on Craigslist. Seller started out saying the trailer belonged to her dead dad and she didn't want to sell it to someone only to have it sold again for profit. I said no problem there, when and where can I go see it. Then it got fishy. She then said she was in the military stationed somewhere remote and the trailer was actually in another state. Payment via Paypal and delivery responsibility was explained, blah, blah, blah... That's when I stopped communicating.
I had a guy who recently proposed buying my 911 from abroad and then having it shipped over. I was very suspicious but I played along with him and to my surprise he turned out to be on the level. He didn’t buy it in the end because we couldn’t agree on price, but we’ve sort of stayed in touch. It turns out he’s a wealthy guy with property all over the world, which comes with its own problems as he recently lost a house and several vehicles in the Colorado fires, but it goes to show that sometimes people/situations which look dodgy can be legit. However, you are right to be very careful because 99% of the time they aren’t legit. I was only willing to entertain dealing with that guy if he sent me copies of several forms of ID, confirmed who he was by video call and paid me by BACS.
There's a very remote chance this guy could be legit, but I doubt it. In his first email he said he couldn't do bank transfer so use paypal. When I refused he said OK send me your bank details! I'm not that desperate to sell and I don't need the grief. If a genuine buyer has gone then so be it, there will be others. The car must be priced correctly if someone was willing to pay the asking price unseen.
The only thing left to do and that is missing from this thread,why don't you load up some photographs of the said item with a price tag.
I just been on the blower with a friend for the last 30 minutes and have ageed to purchase his series 11 landrover. I just love these early mini', i'd a tahiti blue one for a very short period,but we do have many fans on this station that might just buy it from you.