Schumacher Critical In a Coma

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. After a skiing accident :frown:
  2. Not good news :-(
  3. Fingers x'd he makes a full recovery
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  4. News didn't really say much other than head injury and airlifted quickly to hispital.
  5. Earlier today they said he'd been airlifted after an accident but it wasn't serious. Now they are saying he is critical after being brought to hospital in a coma.
  6. Sad news. Best wishes to him and I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
    #6 abmatt2002, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  7. :frown: Sad indeed.

    Just when I had more or less decided not to go down the helmet route this winter and stick with a woolly hat.
  8. Good luck to him... Terrible news!... Sounds like a re run of Liam Neesons wife who unfortunately died a few years ago... :frown:
  9. He is now being reported as dead :frown:
  10. Cant see that report anywhere on BBC or SKY News!?

    Hope you or your source is wrong.
  11. Googling produced this link

    Michael Schumacher ski accident: Formula 1 legend suffers head injuries after hitting his head on a rock while skiing at Meribel resort - Mirror Online

    which had the words 'Schumacher' and 'pronounced dead' in the extract,

    Formula One legend Michael Schumacher was airlifted to hospital today ... and was eventually pronounced dead after suffering a head trauma.

    but upon reading the full link the 'pronounced dead' actually referred to Natasha Richardson.

    So my error and hopefully he will make a full recovery.

    Apparently he was skiing off piste and hit his head on rocks whilst wearing a helmet
    #11 johnv, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  12. Fingers crossed boys
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  13. Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery.
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  14. Yep, horrid thing to happen to anyone, hope he is okay.
  15. I have Just heard this on the radio, they said he was alert when the found him, but he deteriorated and is now in a coma. He underwent emergency brain surgery, and they expect to be able to update later this morning.

    I got the impression they weren't optimistic. What a terrible thing to happen from something as comparatively normal as skiing

    Get well soon Michael.
  16. Fingers crossed
    Hope he pulls through this....
  17. Apparently he was put into a coma state, to release the pressure off his brain, impact was right side of the head and they suspect there is bruising on the brain and not sot sure if it will be life long damage yet. There will not be allot of news coming out as the family want some privacy, understandable, however I'm sure we are all in support for a speedy recovery and will wait paitently until they are ready to tell us more, hopefully good news.
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  18. Never liked him, or skiing, so it won't change my new year one bit. Would be more concerned if it was a forum member I knew nothing about.
  19. Bit rough that
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