scr...w motogp, this is what we want!

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by kope999R, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. now isn't it! :)
    #1 kope999R, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  2. It's just a pity that the commentary is unbelievably dire and second rate and there are about 5x as many adverts as racing.
  3. I might also say that this is frighteningly gladiatorial. You'd be bound to see a live death over the course of a season.
  4. Yeah, we get it on ITV4 here in the UK, iirc. Not too good commentary, and the natural layout doesn't lend itself to capturing as much as we see on wsbk/bsb/mgp. But, utmost respect to the guys that do the road race circuit, the birthplace of legends such as Joey Dunlop.
  5. I can't believe with a Kiwi at/near the top (Bruce Anstey) that we don't get to see any of these races in NZ, not even the IOM :mad:
  6. Awesome racing.................. but I have to say that the amount of deaths does make me question those races.
  7. They go in with eyes open, no ones risk but their own, I say more power to 'em :upyeah:
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  8. I couldn't watch a live broadcast for fear of seeing someone die. I'm utterly in awe of those guys, but think they're stupid to take such risks all the same. Each to their own, though, and the right to do such things should always be there.
  9. No way you can somehow get ITVPlayer for PC or iPad? I guess there are regional copyright issues, but have heard about people tricking these players to thinking their IP address is ok - I'm sure somebody more knowledgeable could put me straight on that.
  10. Yep, you need someone in the region to setup a proxy for you. You then configure your browser to use the proxy and all good.
  11. My brain just melted:frown:

    I'm not old, honestly...
  12. That is totally sick!
  13. Are you 12? :tongue:
  14. Is sick good or bad?

    I'll go check on the PB forum...
  15. I always watch "Proper" road racing though out the season. However when it comes to MGP SBK BSB I kinda watch them if I'm in other than that Im not really arsed
  16. I can't get enough of it. Their skill & bravery never ceases to amaze me.
    And I love the fact that it hasn't got the circus of GP attached to it.
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  17. Will ask my teenager in the morning.

  18. Leave me alone guys I'm watching porn now!!:upyeah:
  19. Shit - did I let my teenager take his iPad to bed :eek:
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