Scrambler Accessories?

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by El Toro, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Have they announced prices of the accessories yet?
  2. going to take a serious amount of kit to make it any good, bet its a big catalogue
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Have you ridden one then? ;)
  4. have you bought one then?
  5. Not yet. But it's a definitely maybe :)
  6. cool, cool.
  7. Prices are on Ducat Glasgow's website Sport Line Racing Exhaust Silencer, Ducati Glasgow Shop
    I think you're missing the point of what the Scramblers about.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. No, I don't think so, Its about bolt on kit to turn a butt ugly bike into something more pleasing to the eye, anything that looks that bad is going to need bling
  9. Will the goatee and check shirt be in the accessory catalogue?
  10. I've got both already :)

    I'm just trying to work out if it's cheaper to buy the Icon and bling it up with the bits I'd like rather than pay the Classic/Urban Enduro/Full Throttle price :)
  11. Ahh, you're over 50 then!
  12. Tis true:(
  13. Don't do it

  14. So you don't like the look of it. Each to their own, there's no accounting for taste.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I don't get this ImageUploadedByTapatalk1418930071.360517.jpg ;)
  16. The wimmins version :)

  17. The bloke lay back with the silver apron is obviously VERY excited about the scrambler
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Or that bird behind him is about to give the best 'back, sack and crack' wax he has ever had.
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