Classic Scrambler Grab Rail/ Passenger Handle

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by Ducati-d, May 20, 2024.

  1. Evening all!

    I’ve searched all this site and most of the US site and the only grab handle manufacturer I can find is an Italian brand called DM Telai or a brand with no name from Winding roads.

    Annoyingly winding roads doesn’t stock this type of item anymore and I can’t figure out how to buy from DM Telai.

    Has anyone got any suggestions for where I might buy a grab handle?

    I’ve also spent hours on eBay and found nothing!

    much appreciated
  2. Yup, totally blank. There ain’t no grab handles that I can find for sale online for a scrambler classic.

    might have to do a custom jobbi
  3. sorry if I'm missing the point here, are they not built in under the seat?
  4. or do you mean one for the tank Ducati Scrambler Classic_17_1.jpg
  5. I actually meant an old school, D shape type grab handle that stuck out beyond the back of the seat
  6. IMG_7253.jpeg IMG_7254.jpeg IMG_7260.jpeg IMG_7258.jpeg


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  7. I did a custom jobbi on them using the original handle bars. Pretty pleased with it to be honest
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Wouldn’t have guessed!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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