I see lots of posts about screens causing buffeting and wondered if anybody has been brave enough to actually try and adapt their screen by cutting or shaping it? The Triumph Tigers I had all suffered buffeting too until Triumph put a slot/vent in the screen. It cured the problem for me and I have noticed that the new V4 has a similar slot in the screen!
TBH if riders want to sit in a calm serene place with no buffeting, then a Multistrada is the wrong bike for them.
Mine never buffeted when fitted with a short Puig screen in place. Adding Iconic spacers should solve anyone's problem anyway if they see any. I did not need them as such, but they did allow more clearance for my TT satnav mount Bigger screens = more buffeting on a MUlti.
Not sure if it has been mentioned before but I find the buffeting increases if I ride behind another vehicle, lorries especially. That is not an excuse I use to overtake but even if I drop back, I have to drop back a fair way, even behind a car. That said, I’m tall and broad shouldered so sit outside the area of the majority of the protection provided by the screen. As others have found, riding with the standard screen in its lowest position, gives a better ride but does expose you to more rain and shit. Andy
That would be the turbulence created by whatever is in front of you. Drop back a bit further should sort that out, until it’s overtake time,
I'm running a small pikes peak screen and it is great compared to the standard screen. Whats gets me is none of the road testers from magazines never say anything about buffetting, yet anyone who owns one knows how bad it is. Now why is that?
I had a CalSci screen which had a slot in it and the idea was it helped with turbulence but allowing air to flow up the inside of the screen. It did work but the screen was massive and very ugly. It’s interesting that the new V4 screen has a slot (and side deflectors) so perhaps there is something in it? The Pikes Peak screen also has a slot, but then it’s a much shorter screen so hard to see what the effect is.
Issues with wind are different for everyone based on their height, helmet type, hearing protection, tolerance and expectations, etc. I have the Ducati touring screen which is 1.75 inches higher than stock. I consider wind protection to be excellent, buffeting a non issue in the high or low position
This is an ongoing subject, well covered on here. Try taking the screen off completely and go for a ride. Lots of wind but no buffeting, that shows it's the screen is the problem, the height of the screen compared to the height and size of the rider is the issue. I solved mine by initially taking 40mm off the original screen, then another 20mm, much better. The Puig sport screen was the answer for me, smaller worked, more wind on my shoulders but not on the helmet. The original screen was throwing all the wind straight into my face, lower was better for me.
PP screen was best for me as far as buffeting; lots of air but clean. Stock and Calsci not so good for me; Puig race has slight buffeting but not bad and protects my Garmin unit, looks great in “regular” smoke.