Hi everyone. New to the forum as just bought an 899. It has a powerbronze double bubble screen on at the moment which I'm not a fan of. I love the look of the DP screen but have read many stories of the dash melting under sunlight. Obviously this rings alarm bells! I was wondering if any of you have first hand experience of this and if there's any protection you can put on the dash itself? Any UV type film protectors? And is this a problem exclusive to the DP screen?
I've seen a few bikes where the double bubble has melted the dash in direct sunlight. It does happen.
It happened to mine and a workmate who both have the DP screen. Mine is tinted and his is clear. I had my clocks replaced once under warranty but they told me they weren't willing to do it again now that I knew what would happen if I left it in direct sunlight. I don't think that's fair because it essentially means I can't ride it in bright sunlight without risking it melting! That said, if I park it up I leave a Buff/Snood thing folded on the dash and that's protected it on a few occasions (you can see burn marks on it...). Not ideal but it's worked so far for both of us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
MRA screens have a blacked out lower section above the dash. It's meant to stop the issue!! No problems with mine so far