Seating position

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by Southfrance, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hi there, I've had a Monster for the past 4 years, when I heard about the SF848 I got excited, really love the look, especially the yellow paint, so I took one for a test ride. Everything was great , look, finish, strong engine, flickable but I found the seating position and the slim tank very odd, I found it hard to grip with my knees and just felt to loose on the seat. How do you guys find it, maybe it just takes getting used to, it put me off swapping my 796 for one, have I been to quick in dismissing it, cheers.

  2. I much prefer over the Monster 796 I took for a spin - going from an S4r I find it a very comfortable position even if I am on tip toes - and better wind resistance
  3. iPad doubled my post :)
  4. Coming from the same M796, I've found the riding position pretty similar. Certainly the tank width seems normal to me, it flares towards the front more than the Monster. I have noticed the higher seat but I'm pretty tall so flat foot at a stop is not an issue. On the move the riding position isn't miles off the M796 at all and the engine and gearbox are spot on.

    I think DP make some seat options, I'd consider those before I decided against the bike if that is all that is stopping you.

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