Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Is this just a coincidence or something more cynical .
  2. That question occurred to me.

    Reminds me of the Kennedys. Once was unlucky, twice smacks of carelessness.
  3. WTF? Must get off this and read whats going on in the real world.
  4. Those poor people and their families.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. there's speculation it was hit by a surface to air missile
  6. Sympathies for those onboard.

    It's only taken fifteen minutes for the yanks to get involved ffs, Malaysian plane over Ukraine.
    America fuck yeah!
  7. There are very few surface to air missile systems capable of hitting a plane at 10,000 metres...

    My sympathies go out to the families, it's a tragic situation.
  8. At least this time they have the debris . Hopefully they will be allowed to get it and find out for sure how it happened . It may well shed some light on 370 . There were a lot of people on that plane and there needs to be an answer this time for the sake their families .
  9. Answers coming, Rebel separatists from Kiev shot it down thinking it was a military transport plane. RIP and sympathies to all affected.
  10. My Malaysian air miles are in the For Sale section....
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  11. The Russians say that an independent investigation is required.Sounds like they are making themselves available for this then.This is a tragedy of massive proportions and all thoughts to the victims and their relatives.
  12. I dont trust the Russians who allegedly already have the black box (along with Hilter's head). I don't think Putin has any respect for the international community, he seems a throwback to the Cold War.

    It wouldn't surprise me to see the Malaysians having two unsolved plane losses for some time.
  13. Putin is a first rate cock - and a bully. It will come out that Russian hardware took the plane down, probably in the hands of the separatists but the blood is on his hands - cunt.
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  14. I completely agree.I was being sarcastic.
  15. For people reading this later: I meant Putin was a Cunt, not stu-pendus ;)
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  16. C'mon, don't back down now! :upyeah:
  17. Don't start back pedalling now Exige ;)

    Your views on stu-pendous are noted.....
  18. ............or was it the Ukrainians wot dunnit and then released false info about 23 Americans included among the passengers, saying it was the Russian rebels; just to get the USA involved on their behalf???
  19. Don't be a cunt Arquebus
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